
Simple Ways To Check For Understanding

Whether you’re using formative assessment for data to personalize learning within a unit, or more summative data to refine a curriculum map, the ability to quickly and easily check for understanding is a critical part of what you do. (Which was the idea behind 10 Assessments You Can Perform In 90 Seconds Or Less.)

The following infographic Mia MacMeekin offers up 27 additional ways to check for understanding. Some aren’t necessarily quick–“Test what you learned in a new situation”–but there are a dozen or more other ideas that are worth adding to your teacher toolbox, many of which aren’t content-related, but rather cognitively related (Locate 3 people who agree with your point of view.)

Did they learn anything?Did they learn anything?

Image attribution flickr user deepcwind and miamacmeekin

TeachThought’s mission is to promote critical thinking and innovation education.

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