Once again, Brad Raffensperger shows the facts are unfriendly to his party’s presidential nominee.
Photo: Alex Wong/Getty Images
Of all the fables Donald Trump has told to justify his past, present, and future claims of “stolen” elections, one of the most persistent has also been one of the least well founded: the idea that noncitizens are voting for Democrats in large numbers. After his 2016 win, Trump claimed he would have won the national popular vote (which he actually lost by more than 2.8 million votes) had not illegal voters flooded the polls to support Hillary Clinton. Did he offer any evidence for this allegation? Zilch, nada, nothing, which isn’t unusual for Trump. The two major national studies of voting-fraud allegations, one from the conservative Heritage Foundation and the other from the nonpartisan but progressive Brennan Center, found no evidence of noncitizen voting in numbers significant enough to affect any elections. A frequently distorted 2014 analysis of noncitizen voting based on extrapolation of Arizona online-survey data suggested an upper range for noncitizen voting in the hundreds of thousands nationally and a lower range much, much smaller. But it included no verifiable examples, and the author has frequently complained about Trump’s misuse of his data. Even though Trump and congressional Republicans have cynically demanded new laws cracking down on alleged noncitizen voting, it’s already a crime under federal law, punishable by both a prison term and deportation.
This year, Trump has not just repeated unsupported claims of massive noncitizen voting but placed them near the heart of his campaign message. In a barely disguised version of the racist right-wing Great Replacement Theory, Trump has repeatedly alleged that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have “opened the border” precisely in order to recruit illegal voters for their candidacies. Any evidence for this inflammatory claim? Of course not; it’s supposed to be self-evident. If it were actually happening, of course, there would be concrete evidence in every direction. But in fact, even in red states, there’s more and more evidence it’s all a Trump hoax to motivate his base and perhaps justify another denial of the results. One clear case is in Ohio, as the BBC recently noted:
Earlier this year, the office of Ohio’s Republican Secretary of State Frank LaRose — a Trump supporter — examined around eight million registrations and found around 600 people on the state’s voter rolls who could not prove their US citizenship.
Meanwhile, the state also struck an additional 155,000 registrations from the rolls, largely because of address changes.
Finding a handful of people who “could not prove their U.S. citizenship” is not the same as proving they were noncitizens, and it’s entirely possible some of these voters who lost their registration had been planning for vote for Trump. But beyond that, there’s a new example of official red-state voting data that contradicts everything Trump is saying on this subject, as the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports:
An audit uncovered 20 noncitizens out of 8.2 million registered voters in Georgia, according to findings announced by Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger on Wednesday.
Nine of those 20 noncitizens cast ballots several years ago, before ID verification checks were in place, while the other 11 were registered but never actually voted, the audit showed. Election officials canceled their voter registrations and reported them to district attorneys for potential prosecution …
“This is the most comprehensive citizenship check ever conducted in the history of Georgia, if not the most comprehensive check ever conducted in the United States,” said Raffensperger, a Republican. “Georgia is a model when it comes to preventing noncitizen voting.”
More to the point, Georgia is a model when it comes to documenting the absence of noncitizen voting. That’s not necessarily what Raffensperger expected when he initiated his audit; earlier this year, he penned a Wall Street Journal op-ed warning that “progressives” wanted noncitizens to vote (though the examples he cited all involved local, not federal, elections, where, once again, noncitizen voting is already illegal). What’s clear now is that the Republican election supervisor of one of the seven battleground states has definitively certified the voter rolls to be free of noncitizens. If Harris carries Georgia, what will Trump blame it on?
Yes, people deep in the tank for the 45th president will observe that, despite his Republican identity, Raffensperger is fatally unfriendly to Trump, as evidenced by his refusal in 2020 to “find” enough additional votes to erase the Biden victory in Georgia that the secretary and his Republican boss, Governor Brian Kemp, duly certified (an act of independence that led Trump to try to purge them in the 2022 primaries, unsuccessfully). But it’s increasingly clear that the facts are what’s most unfriendly to the MAGA claim of massive “illegal voting.”
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