Melania takes some contradictory political stances and makes no attempt to resolve them. For example, she spends three paragraphs explaining why she’s against “male-born athletes” competing in women’s sports, then declares:
As many of you know, I fully support the LGBTQIA+ community. But we must also ensure that our female athletes are protected and respected.
She doesn’t offer any ideas for how to protect the rights of both trans and cisgender female athletes.
Later, she says, “A woman’s fundamental right of individual liberty, to her own life, grants her the authority to terminate her pregnancy if she wishes.” The statement sounds unequivocally pro-choice, but she goes on to say:
There are several legitimate reasons for a woman to choose to have an abortion. For instance, if her life is at risk, rape, a congenital birth defect, plus severe medical conditions.
It’s unclear whether Melania thinks there are illegitimate reasons to choose abortion, or what she makes of her husband and party drastically curtailing reproductive rights.
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