
Celestia (TIA) Announces Winners of the Infinite Space Bazaar Hackathon

Celestia (TIA) Announces Winners of the Infinite Space Bazaar Hackathon

The Infinite Space Bazaar hackathon, hosted by Celestia (TIA), has concluded, and the winners have been announced. This global online hackathon attracted over 1400 participants and saw more than 70 submissions across diverse tracks including applications, UX, core infrastructure, and community initiatives.

Build Whatever Track

In the ‘Build Whatever’ track, notable projects included:

  • Konan: An NFT architecture with dynamic metadata.
  • A platform leveraging Celestia’s Data Availability (DA) capabilities for NFTs.

UX Track

The UX track aimed to enhance user experiences, with awards for the best onboarding experience among other categories. Winners in this track demonstrated innovative approaches to user interface design and seamless user journey.

Core Track

Focused on core infrastructure, the core track highlighted:

  • CNTSC: A typescript client for celestia-node.
  • ORB CLI: A command-line interface management tool for nodes and rollups.

Additional Prizes

Additional prizes were awarded in various categories:

  • Best gaming project with Celestia underneath
  • Best NFT project on Celestia
  • Best general application
  • Best storytelling project
  • Best community support initiative
  • Best design and illustration contribution

The hackathon’s success underscores the growing interest and innovation in the blockchain space, particularly in areas supported by Celestia’s modular blockchain network. For a comprehensive list of winners and project details, visit the official Celestia Blog.

Image source: Shutterstock

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