
Chris Christie Holds Trump Responsible for Surge in Antisemitism

In a recent interview on CNN’s “State of the Union,” former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie reiterated his stance that former President Donald Trump is a significant factor behind the increase in antisemitism in the country. Christie pointed to what he described as Trump’s “intolerant language and conduct,” suggesting that such behavior from a leader grants permission for others to act similarly.

Christie, a Republican presidential hopeful, had previously criticized Trump during an interview with the New York Times while on a trip to Israel. He asserted that Trump’s contribution to the surge in bigotry against Jews is a result of his actions and rhetoric. Antisemitism was already on the rise in the United States, and the October 7 attack on Israel by Hamas further intensified antisemitic and anti-Muslim incidents in the country.

Christie went beyond Trump in assigning blame, also accusing university professors and presidents of being “unwilling to stand up to antisemitism on their campuses.” He called on governors in states where Jewish students face threats on college campuses to deploy state police forces for their protection.

“I believe Donald Trump’s intolerant language and conduct give others permission to act the same,” Christie stated during the interview, emphasizing his perspective on the role of leadership in influencing societal behavior.

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